Friday, November 16, 2007

It's a boy...and human!

Hello all. Thanks to NYPunk for the interest! I unfortunately did not name the monster child (8 lb. 12 oz at birth) "Punk" . My little monster is growing well, and my crotch is recovering. I've decided I'm going to write a book about why children are like puppies. You know, we have to teach them both to sit, come, settle down, take them for walks, clean them/clean up after them, give them toys, etc. They both beg for treats, and circle like maniacs to get your attention. Jump on you and try to lick your face. The list goes on. I won't tell you about the beatings, you'll have to buy the book for that!


Chris said...

YAY, you're back! I hope you stick around this time. Congratulations on your new baby! (would it have killed you to name it after me?)

I read this quote yesterday: "Men are like parking spaces. All the good ones are taken, and the rest are handicapped. "

New York Punk said...

Congratulations GC!
wow, does seem like a healthy he going to grow up to play for the bears? maybe then, they might win something.

greencan said...

Chris-so true!

NYP-ouch! Have a little faith in the Bears! And yes, both my boys are destined to be the next Urlachers of the football world...they're both huge and raring to go!
BTW, NY should stick to baseball! :)

New York Punk said...

Whoa! what is it again your point about NY and not playing good football???

-circles around you in drunk victory dance-

greencan said...

Yeah yeah! I'll give you this year, but watch out for next year!