Monday, April 21, 2008

All vented out

Okay, I'm better now. Sorry, for the glimpse of hysteria. Just had to get that out. So, how is everyone? I'm back at work for anyone who cares. Good to see all your blogs are up and running, except for slinky, I can't get on. And what the fuck happended to copyranter? Someone go hit that guy upside the head with something large and tell him to keep writing. It's therapeutic! He'll go insane keeping all that shit in. I don't have the time or inclination to fly to NY and search for some ad person named Mark whose office is opposite some billboard. Someone who knows him is just going to have to put a gun to his head...or get some damning photos.


RFB said...

almost a year without a post - hello - get to it

greencan said...

Hi jetpacks! Yeah, I've kind of graduated to Facebook. Not really anonymous at all, but I can't keep up with everything! How are you? I see your blog is still current :)

RFB said...

Graduated? No - that would be like being told to repeat 8th grade.

(But I'm on there too)

greencan said...

If you want to visit me on Facebook, I'm Theo Salvage