Thursday, January 18, 2007

comments vs. compliments

I'm carrying my second alien and have already started to show. My mother told me, "you're going to look like a boat soon, just like with the first one". Gee, thanks Mom. I realized as she looked at me all innocently that she had no clue what she just said was SO WRONG! This got me thinking to all the backwards half-assed comments I've ever been the victim of. Then I started thinking about all the real compliments I've ever received. I'd say one of the best compliments I've ever received was actually nearly a decade ago, and though I've gotten quite a few since then, this one has stuck with me. I was on the bus standing next to a man in a wheelchair. He had no legs. As we reached my stop and a got ready to leave, he tells me I have really nice feet. I smile and say thank you. Then I think, he probably looks at peoples legs/feet all the time, and he told ME that I had nice feet. That is the compliment that I'll never forget for as long as I live.
So, what kind of compliment (good or backhanded) or awful comments have you gotten?


New York Punk said...

Pregnant? Congrats.

Matt Brand said...

You smell like breakfast. Hands down the best/worst compliment I've ever gotten.

PS you're a cop? that's HOT!!!

New York Punk said...

so when is the baby due?

greencan said...

NYP-August, so I can look like a beached whale at Lake Michigan this summer!

Slinky- Um, that's interesting. Were you in bed and she was having you for breakfast? Does she like breakfast? Maple syrup fetish?

Yes, it IS hot! JK

New York Punk said...

Don't use the 'Whale' mind spins into all kinds of pun with blow, seamen and such...damn, i should stop.

Matt Brand said...

No, it was a stranger!! How weird is that.

greencan said...

LOL--you are one sick puppy NYP!

Matt/Slinky? Yeah, I don't know if that was good or bad to be compared to breakfast!

SchizoFishNChimps said...


greencan said...

Thank you FNC

Matt Brand said...

you are anti-breakfast and that makes me sad

greencan said...

I love breakfast! I make killer omelettes and the fluffiest pancakes ever! I just don't know if I want to SMELL like bacon and eggs :)