Friday, January 12, 2007

nickname of the week...

I know, you're all dying to find out this week's gang banger winner. More probable is the fact that you think I'm strange for doing this. Basically, this is more for me than for you. Anyway, this week's winner is....drum roll..."007" . Yes, a middle-aged black man is running around pretending to be super spy extraordinaire. I'm actually going to blame the parents for this one...guess what his real God-given name is? Yeah.


Matt Brand said...

i don't get it

greencan said...

At the end of the week, I pick the stupidest gang banger nickname I've run across that week. This one was James Bond (I'll probably get fired for that) and his nickname is "007". He looks like he's cracked out...the atithesis of his namesake. I guess you'd have to be here...