Monday, December 04, 2006

a week in passing

I spent the past week at TARA(Terrorism Awareness and Response Academy) course for work. They instilled in us the importance of being aware of our surroundings, the horrendous things terrorists do, psych aspects of extremists, chemicals to make bombs (which you can do at home), how to handle a pre/post blast situation, how not to stand down-wind (duh), and how not to fuck up so that thousands of people die. By that way, these people are not afraid to die, in fact welcome dying for their jihad, and oh, will happily take you with them, so do not approach them. Also, you will be issued a gas mask which will be pointless in a chemical/radiological attack because without a chem suit, you will still burn, you'll just be able to breathe while dying painfully. Then they sent us off with a pat on the head and told us the most important thing when you go to work is to go home to your family at night. So basically, I should be hiding in a bomb shelter every day. Sorry, all you civilians, you're fucked.


John McCloskey said...

Kinda makes you wonder how real the threat is.

RFB said...

Here's to hoping Ground Zero is wherever I am. That whole "die in a few painful minutes" doesn't sound too appealing.

greencan said...

To show you how quietly real the threat is (if that makes sense), Chicago PD is now issuing gas masks to all police officers. They're telling us its inevitable that Chicago will be a hit and training/preparing us for a possible terrorist attack. But all this is hypothetical, of course. I bet you didn't hear that on CNN (what I mean by "quietly real").

We're never going to get rid of all the extremist..and I don't just mean radical Muslims. Kazinsky and Rudolph weren't muslim, but they are considered(domestic)terrorists. I learned some fascinating shit last week. And I should be scared, but I stupidly still believe "it can't happen to me". The true human defense mechanism.